Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Comparison between the military service in Brazil and in the US

             To start my comparison between the military service in Brazil and in the US I am going to talk about the conscription, and if is mandatory or not in both countries.
      In Brazil the conscription to the military service is mandatory for men, when they complete 18 years old. For women, is a matter of choice, you'll not be required.

       About the conscription in the US, is not mandatory.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Own Music Festival --> THE OUT LOUD FESTIVAL!

                     The Recycling Cause ROCKS in the OUT LOUD FESTIVAL --> 15-16 November 2011
      The Out Loud Festival will bring music and environmental awareness to young people.
           To celebrate the end of the fall the OUT LOUD FESTIVAL will shake the structures of the Tarrytown Arena, located in Tarrytown (NY), 55 minutes away from NYC.
              Two days of premium parties (November 15 to 17) will take place at which the best rock bands of the moment will play, raising funds for the Brazilian recycling cooperatives in the Amazon region that need our help.
            Take a look in some bands that will perform during the two days of the OLF:
        METAL DAY (November 15): Mettalica, Slipknot, System of a Down, Guns N'Roses, Megadeath, Sepultura and Foo Fighters.
            INDIE/FUNNY DAY (November 16): Paramore, Sleigh Bells, CSS, The Strokes, Phoenix, The Killers and Kings of Leon. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

The letter for the little girl --> world citizen

          Hi little girl,
      Welcome to our World. You probably don't know, but now, we are 7 billion people, and yes, we have lots of problems.
      I don't want to scare you, I know you're too young, but I think you should know the truth:
      You live in a world with a lot of problems such as lack of food and water in some places, lots of kids not being educated, wars, nuclear problems, gender disparities, pollution, desertification, and many more difficult issues.
      After all those bad news about were you born you 're probably are thinking, what should I do to help about it?
      Well, will be not easy at all, you will need to be patient and work very hard to help the planet, kid. Study hard, learn as much as you can, because the knowledge will help you to find the answers to our problems! 
       We need you little girl, don't lose your faith, help us to conserve our beautiful planet to many many more generations.

                                                    Have a good life, kid!
                                                             Carol, from Brazil.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

7 Billion Stories - 7 Billion People - 7 Billion Actions

         Today, the post will be about a website called that count the population number of people in the world in a clock (that will reach 7 billion at the end of October this year), and also have stories about what people are doing to change the World that we live.

       The main objective of the website is to connect and inspire actions that involve sustainability, urbanization, access to health services, youth empowerment to support the idea of renew global commitment for a healthy and sustainable world.
       Thus, I'll try to make my part, and also inspire more people to join the website.
       Simple: writing some positive words to inspire more and more people.
       Everybody should try --> Because try will won't hurts, just support! 


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

International Organizations - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health Organization (WTO)

            This essay particularly is my favorite until now, not just because is about an international issue, but is something that I really enjoy to talk about and something that I really think is important to be shared with everyone because of they international importance thus humanitarian as economically talking.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The importance of animals to medical research

         This post has a different kind of subject, much more important, but not less interesting, and also considered one of the most debated topics of our times. I hope you like it.


      Animals have been used for research since there has been research itself. The earliest references to animal testing are found in the writings of the Greeks in the 2nd and 4th centuries BC. It has been one of the most debated topics of our times. Many people argue that it is unmoral to test products on any kind on animals, while many scientists believe that animal testing and experimentation is one of the only ways that they can discover many medical or other unique breakthroughs.  
 Experiments on animals have been an important part in many key medical advances, including the development of antibiotics, vaccines, and surgical techniques. On the other hand, the critics of animal testing base their argument on the grounds of morality, the necessity or the strength of this procedure, whether proper authority to perform such tests is granted, whether such tests are actually needed and whether such tests provide us with any useful information. It is noteworthy that many medical procedures also have to be tested for safety in animals before even being tested on human beings.
Following the above reasoning, animal rights activists argue that animals have a right to their own life and that they are not ours to do with as we please. According to PETA, “As many as 115 million animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories in the U.S. every year. Therefore, the supporters of animal rights say that animals have the right to live their own life peacefully, and that we are not allowed to meddle with them just because we can. Some also believe that the goals of this type of testing are not significant. 
Scientifically speaking, animal research is incredibly important and necessary for a wide range of reasons. One reason is to develop new vaccines and treatments and cures for many diseases. Also this helps research to ensure that new products are safe to use, thus, preventing they from they blinding us, burning our skin, or killing us. Animals do make good research subjects for many reasons and research on them can tell us a lot about ourselves. Animals are extremely similar to humans and are exposed to many of the same health problems. Supporters refute this statement by emphasizing that the brutal treatment of animals in tests is administered most of the time with anesthesia. Animal testing serves as an early screening for products before they can be tested on humans. Companies are normally not even allowed to go forward with human testing until they have shown pre-clinical data indicating the safe usage of different drugs.

In the midst of all this, is important to know that a lot has been done over the years to help find alternative ways to using animals in research. The cosmetics industry, which 20 years ago tested nearly all its products on animals, has finally come to a close. Many companies have reduced their use of whole-animal testing by as much as 90% and some have got rid of it entirely.
In conclusion, it is hard to remove animal testing completely. For me the best and most effective option, like a conscious consumer, is try to prevent animal testing by boycotting certain products that do require that kind of testing, in an attempt to reduce the number of animals being harmed in these experiments.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just to introduce myself....

Hi everyone!
My name is Ana Carolina, I'm from Brazil, I live in Tarrytown, NY.
I came to US to study English and International Relations at EF International School, located in the same city where I live: Tarrytown.
I hope you all enjoy my posts and send me some comments.

Thanks for your attention!

My Favorites Skyscrapers in the World

        My first choice was the unique 7 star hotel in the World called Burj al Arab, located in Dubai (United Arab Emirates).  [YOU CAN CHECK THE MAP BELOW]

          This amazing construction was designed by the British architect Tom Wright to mimic the sail of a ship, very well done, how we can see in the picture.