Friday, October 14, 2011

The letter for the little girl --> world citizen

          Hi little girl,
      Welcome to our World. You probably don't know, but now, we are 7 billion people, and yes, we have lots of problems.
      I don't want to scare you, I know you're too young, but I think you should know the truth:
      You live in a world with a lot of problems such as lack of food and water in some places, lots of kids not being educated, wars, nuclear problems, gender disparities, pollution, desertification, and many more difficult issues.
      After all those bad news about were you born you 're probably are thinking, what should I do to help about it?
      Well, will be not easy at all, you will need to be patient and work very hard to help the planet, kid. Study hard, learn as much as you can, because the knowledge will help you to find the answers to our problems! 
       We need you little girl, don't lose your faith, help us to conserve our beautiful planet to many many more generations.

                                                    Have a good life, kid!
                                                             Carol, from Brazil.

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