Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2011 Natural Disasters

               Recently many natural disasters have been occurred, the first one there I am going to talk about is the Earthquake that destroyed part of Japan in March of this year, with 9.0 magnitude in the Richter scale, that tremor caused an enormous damage in the coastal cities near to the epicenter that were flooding by tsunami waves, like we can see in the pictures below:


           In addition to the devastation caused by the tsunami waves, in the northeast of the country, the Japanese government declared its first-ever state of emergency at a nuclear power plant and ordered 3,000 residents to leave the area after the quake caused a problem in the plant's cooling system. Radiation in a reactor at the plant rose to 1,000 times normal, Japan's nuclear safety agency said, and some radiation was reported to have seeped out of t he reactor.

          After the explosion of the nuclear plants, the radiation were spread out through the near area (about 50 kilometers), prompting the health authorities to inspect the radiation level in the population.

           Another consequence of the disaster was thousands of homeless people, that were moved to shelters.


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