Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Animal Farm Essay

            From the hope of the anthem "Beasts of England" to an wrong ending

          In this current essay I am going to talk about the novel Animal Farm, written by George Orwell in 1945, that tells the story of an animal revolution on a farm located somewhere in England. My main objective is to analyze a little fragment of the most important anthem in the story, called Beasts of England: "Beasts of England, Beasts of Ireland / Beasts of every land and clime, hearten to my joyful tiding of golden future time", and explain the reasons that led the animals, so full of hope, ending in wrong way.
           Giving a brief explanation of what the story is about, I can say the Animal Farm portrays on a group of oppressed animals that lived in a normal farm, controlled by humans, that decided to make a revolution. 
            With the implementation of the revolution the animals formed and implemented a system of government, called Animalism, on they new farm, Animal Farm. Now in the commandments of Animal Farm, the animals tried to form a government where everyone was dependent upon everyone else, and if they continued working that way, would be possible to implement the dreamed equality to rule their farm.
               In conclusion, I could identify some of the reasons that led to the collapse of the Animalism in the farm. Wickedness, indifference, ignorance, greed and short shortsightedness notoriously destroyed any possibility of functionality of the utopic system that Napoleon (the pig that auto-declared himself the president of the farm) wanted to impose, disguised as a "perfect and fair political regime", showing that no matter what laws and equality bind the citizens, corruption and power will seek to destroy that delicate balance. 

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